Thursday, 30 December 2010

Meeeaaw !

Yeeaaah i already have a cat , her name is Dior . She is cute , havin blue eyes , sometimes its look like orange on the night , white skin , with soft orange pattern on her ear and tail . Sometimes she is annoying , but sometimes she really help me to get out from my bored daily routine . She sleeps with my brother , in my brother's bedroom . Oh , she is 4 months old fyi :D

Regard .

Nunna and Dior . xoxo

Saturday, 25 December 2010

Playing on Looklet

These are my latest look on looklet , yeaaah how it is going ? i dont play for a long time , always error -__-
Huhu i miss it so much .

Visit me  here

And here it is , TADAAA ;D

Regards .


Friday, 24 December 2010

A Single Day Wont Ever Enough

Grab some fun with my bestfriends , Natasha , Shabrina , but missed one , Rubhy , she still in Malang , were not homie yet .
Met them in our holiday , taked some shoots . Yeah miss them a lots , hope we could turn back into Senior High School .
Unfortunately , i wish Rubhy was there , me , Shabrina , Natasha miss you too . We talked much , but a single day wont ever enough for Us .

Hey mates , you are best i ever had . 
xoxo from here :)

Regards .

Nunna .

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Playlist for This Week

So hey , its been a long time since my latest post right ?
I've been busy with college and daily routines . But yeah , these songs made me feel better to steps every single day .

Here , what im currently listening to :

  • Hollywood Nobody - Love Song
  • Katy Perry - Teenage Dream
  • Locksley - Why Not Me
  • Sore - Funk The Hole
  • Sore feat Attilia - Silly Little Thing
  • Parkdrive - Shine A Light
  • Hollywood Nobody - Betrayal
  • The Bird and The Bee - Heard it On The Radio

Regards .


    Wednesday, 17 November 2010

    Hello Infra Red

    Gone wild with Bawang's Infra Red SLR .
    In this session with Me , Suci , Tria , Lala , Gita .
    Location : McDonald Rungkut



    Super duper FUN  :D
    We are addicted to camera , NO DOUBT . hahaha

    Regards , 


    The 'O' Project with KSGK

    Hey hey hey , this time i'd like to share about my last activity on KSGK( Kelompok Studi Gender dan Kesehatan)
    That was talk show about a book , titled " The O Project " .
    Me and my friends as the comitte , and i brought a song indeed :D
    So this is the picture .

    The O Project . By : Firliana Purwanti

    *Captured it with infra red Canon EOS 350D Digital .

    and these are several comitte from KSGK :

    Can you find me there ? :D

    That was our first KSGK project for our 2010's class of Psikologi Ubaya 

    Regards ,


    Monday, 15 November 2010

    Meaningfull Day

    Hari ini aku bangun seperti biasanya , lihat jam , dan seperti biasanya juga , terburu-buru dan nggak sempat sarapan . Berangkat ke kampus , dan ternyata kuliah pagi jam 7 dosen nggak hadir . Aku , gita , vida , mayang , tria , delin ke Tata Usaha buat absen . Kita duduk dan cerita banyak hal , cerita tentang kejadian di Tp , tentang sahabat saya dan sahabat saya yang lain , yaaah , pembicaraan yang biasa biasa saja .
    Tapi ada yang nggak biasa sama Vida , tantenya barusan meninggal kemarin , dan itu yang aku tanyakan ke dia , aku memulai dengan tanya ,
    " Vida , gimana ceritanya tantemu ? Kemarin gimana ?"
    Vida cerita . Aku sama anak-anak dengerin .
    Vida cerita gimana kebiasaan tantenya , gimana awal mulanya beliau sakit , gimana sakit tantenya sampai gimana cara tantenya berkomunikasi sama anak-anaknya , yang mengharuskan dia nulis di kertas karena nggak bisa ngomong , terhalang sama sakitnya . Ada bagian dimana Vida cerita , dia cerita dengan detail , gimana tantenya menasehati anak-anaknya , dan nulis di kertas rumah sakit , isinya kurang lebih  begini :

    Diga , belajar yang pinter ya , nanti kalau mama sudah sembuh , Diga bisa ngasih hadiah mama nilai yang bagus..

    Oh iya , Diga itu anak pertama tantenya Vida kelas 4 SD , dan Meme anak keduanya perempuan kelas 1 SD
    Vida juga cerita gimana tantenya suka gambar icon nya Surfer Girl yang rambutnya ikat dua itu , dan bilang gini :

    Eh Vida , ini gambar yang besar itu Vida , yang kecil itu Meme ..Tante sayang sama Vida ..

    Vida bilang dia nangis pas baca kertas-kertas itu lagi . Dan responku waktu Vida cerita ini adalah nangis .

    Mungkin memang aku nggak kenal sama tantenya Vida , tapi yang buat aku sedih adalah , tiba-tiba aku ingat mama sama papa . Nggak pernah ada yang tahu kan umur orang sampai kapan , aku mikir , seandainya aku di posisi Diga atau Meme yang sudah kehilangan mamanya di umur sekecil itu , mungkin aku nggak bisa ngerasakan apa yang sudah aku rasain selama ini . Dimarahin mama , diperhatikan mama , papa yang selalu nunggu di rumah sampe ngantuk kalo aku pulang malam , gimana marahnya mereka waktu aku selalu ngeluh tentang kuliahku , gimana aku selalu minta ini itu ke mereka , dan mereka kerja keras selalu usaha menuhin kebutuhanku dan Mas Dika .
    Akhir-akhir ini aku sering merhatikan orang tuaku secara fisik , aku lihat , makin lama mereka makin tua , capek , pasti banyaaaaaak yang mereka pikirkan , nggak terkira berapa pengorbanan mereka buat aku dan Mas Dika .
    Mama selalu bangun pagi sekali , mikir aku sm mas dika sarapan apa tiap pagi .
    Dan aku ? selau bangun telat dan akhirnya nggak sarapan , minta uang buat jajan di luar , padahal mama sudah bangun pagi sekali buat nyiapin sarapan .
    Mama seringkali berangkat sidang pagi-pagi , padahal mama pasti capek , kurang istirahat , kurang tidur .
    Sementara aku ? Aku bangun siang waktu kuliahku senggang , dan jarang banget turun buat sekedar nengok ke bawah dan salim waktu mama mau berangkat kerja .
    Mama selalu usaha buat ngeluangin waktunya kalo aku minta jalan-jalan .
    Sedangkan aku ? Selalu sibuk dgn kegiatanku sendiri dan sering nggak ada waktu buat mama atau papa .
    aku sering pulang malem , dan waktu aku pulang , mama sudah tidur , kecapean seharian kerja .
    Sementara papa masih nunggu di ruang Tv gara-gara aku belum pulang .
    Papa selau ngasih aku uang jajan tiap aku minta , dan seringkali papa ngerelain uang terakhirnya di dompet buat aku .
    Papa selau ngingetin aku buat minum vitamin dan madu biar aku nggak gampang sakit .
    Aku ?sesekali waktu papa minta tolong buat mijetin , aku bilang aku capek lah , banyak tugas , dan macam-macam alasan lainnya .
    Aku seringkali bicara sama papa dengan nada kurang sopan , karena aku tahu papa nggak bisa marah ke aku . Papa selalu sabar ke aku , pertama kalinya papa marah besar dan teriak ke aku sampe mukul aku adalah waktu aku emosi dan bentak mamaku .

    Ya Allaaaah :'(
    aku belum bisa ngasih apa-apa ke orang tuaku..
    aku belum bisa buat mereka seneng ..
    aku banyak dosa sama mereka ..
    aku harus bersyukur , aku nggak harus kehilangan mama waktu aku masih sekecil Diga sama Meme .
    aku harus berusaha sebaik mungkin buat orangtuaku
    aku nggak mau nyesel di akhir
    aku  nangis
    aku harus berfikir jauh jauh jauh ke depan , bersyukur dan berusaha , berdoa , semoga aku bisa ngasih yang terbaik buat mereka ..

    Aku bakal selalu inget waktu mama bilang ke aku sambil nangis

    Mama nggak minta apa-apa dari kalian berdua , mama cuma minta , nanti kalau mama sama papa sudah meninggal , jangan pernah lupa buat selalu mendoakan mama sama papa di tiap sholat kalian , mama sama papa bukan orang yang sempurna , jadi cuma doa kalian yang bisa bantu mama sama papa di akhirat nanti..

    Pasti ma , pasti aku inget terus dan aku bakal lakuin buat kalian nanti , tapi nanti , setelah mama sama papa bisa lihat kalau aku bisa jadi orang yang sukses , yang bisa bahagiain kalian berdua ..

    Makasih Ya Allah sudah membuat hari biasa biasa ini jadi hari yang sangat berarti buat aku :')
    Makasih Vida , pengalamanmu berarti banget buat aku .
    Makasih mama sama papa , buat semua , semuanya yang sudah kalian kasih ke aku , yang nggak mungkin bisa dihitung harganya , nggak bisa dijumlah berapa banyak materi , tenaga , waktu , fikiran , air mata , doa , semua , sangat amat berarti ..

    Semoga post ini bermanfaat buat kalian yang baca , buat kalian yang masih punya orang tua yang lengkap , bahagiakan mereka , buat kalian yang mungkin sudah kehilangan orang tua kalian , doakan mereka di setiap waktu kalian :)

    Regards , 


    Saturday, 13 November 2010

    Instant Day Out !

    This session with Tria , Vida , Lala , Mayang , Gita , Suci and ME ;D
    After KSGK talkshow , then we waited for next class , been bored ? Went to Tunjungan Plaza , taked photos then went back to Ubaya . Yes , we went just for catched a photobox ;p

    Well something funny between the entrance door and Gita :p
    Watch Out :D

    Regards ,


    Day(s) Out

    So heeey , it's been 4 days since my last post .
    I've been so bussy and dizzy of college stuffs , finally i've got a space to write again :D

    So , the day gone so fast , task , proposal , observe , ksgk and a lots , well i have so many ideas for my post , but i just dont have enough time to publish it , maybe now i'll start from what's happened on my last Saturday nite , that time when i went out to indie clothin expo , i bought so many stuffs there , oh yeah , the stuffs just made me wanna stay for a long time , hhmm i went there 3 times , and it didnt enough at all !
    I've got these already :

    kuyagaya wallet , geeeight printed legging , findmee tee's , kuit scratch blouse , thyo pernik bracelets

    me , shabrina , natasha :D

    Three times wasn't enough -__- hahaha . That was 5,6,7 November exactly .

    Regards ,


    Tuesday, 9 November 2010

    Be Right Back

    I'm gonna busy for a several times , and maybe i don't have much times to take care of my blog .
    This college stuff so freakin disturb me and i need so much time for handle it .
    I promise i'm gonna back as soon as possible .
    Wish me luck for my daily routine yaaa , catch you later ;)


    Nunna .

    Friday, 5 November 2010

    It Was Cheerliar , Let's Grab Some Fun Again

    they are  Creepy Cute aren't they ? hahaha

    Already meet my ex classmate friends ? They are creepy cute rite ? hahaha ;D
    That was my classroom's cheerliar for independent day contest
    Im lookin around my photos folder on my notebook , and i find this pictures .
    Tadaaaa i post it fadly :p

     Regards ,


    Wednesday, 3 November 2010

    Heart This Song

    Sweet Disposition
    (The Temper Trap)

    Sweet disposition
    Never too soon
    Oh, reckless abandon
    Like no one's watching you

    A moment, a love
    A dream aloud
    A kiss, a cry
    Our rights, our wrongs
    A moment, a love
    A dream aloud
    A moment, a love
    A dream aloud

    So stay there
    Because I'll be coming over
    And while our blood's still young
    It's so young
    It runs
    And we won't stop until it's over
    Won't stop to surrender

    Songs of desperation
    I played them for you
    A moment, a love
    A dream aloud
    A kiss, a cry
    Our rights, our wrongs
    A moment, a love
    A dream, aloud
    A moment, a love
    A dream aloud 

    Monday, 1 November 2010

    Just For Fun

    Here it is my picture with githa . Taked when i've got UTS  .
    But there is something silly in that day .
    I wore my trouser pant , and i almost couldnt pass the exam , because of what ? I used short pant when exam day . And its a big NO .
    Luckily , i've got dispensation from the assistant and she let me to followed the exam .
    From that time , i wont use my trouser for college's outfit . Never again .

    this is cleaning service's bike , used it quietly :p

    Sunday, 31 October 2010

    Coming Up Event

    Further Info Here  

    Can't wait for MOCCA :D
    Hmm just dont know what i wanna looking for there , but for sure , i will be there .
    See you there guys !

    Saturday, 30 October 2010

    Pray For Indonesia

    Im verry sorry to hear all the things happened lately in my country . Disaster comes and goes , everythings getting worse :( , i really wanna do something usefull for the victims , tsunami and earthquake in Mentawai , volcano eruption in Jawa Tengah , flood in Jakarta .

    Merapi volcano eruption

    Tsunami in Mentawai

    God , everytimes i watch on tv , i heard on the radio , news , i cry silently inside my heart .
    Why it must be happened ? Our nation is crying right now , maybe the earth getting tired of all the people's behavior .
    Meanwhile i watched Metro TV , after the news about disasters , i hardly breath when i watched something about demonstration in Jakarta , they crushed about football thingy , many people scream and fighting each other , yah between police and people .
    MAAAAAN HELLO , there are so many people crying out there , and you still keep fighting just because of your football team ?
    Insane .
    I just cant understand what the hell are they thingking for ? Can they do something usefull to help ?
    Me ? From here , i just can pray for them , for this nation , i hope everyones keep strong and indulged .
    I hope this situation gets better :'(
    Buddies , open your mind and your heart widely , we have to thankfull of our life right now , we arent a part of them , we dont have to feel how bad eat , chat , sleep in the refuge . We still in our superb life .
    Remember , even we have many problems , there are so many people there sufferer than us .

    God bless us all .


    Senior High School

    Graduated from shs about 5 months ago ? Dont know im forget .
    But then i spent my time lately on my bed and thinked about my senior high school time , it was fun , amazed , cheered up , had some crush , fighted together , good teamwork , all the great things i have learned from 3 years before .
    There was a time when i really hated my school times , when teacher started to roaring in the class , when all my friends became so annoying , when i had to stay in the school and i couldnt enjoy my holiday , i had to attend meeting after school ,  fyi  OSIS indeed , when everyyyy single time just made me crazy more and more . And almost , i angered easily , stucked in that routine .
    Oh i almost forget , SMA Negeri 17 Surabaya , that was my hi school .
    But then , i just wanna cry  and scream aloud to all my friends , HEY I MISS YOU GUYS .
    I miss them a lots , i miss the time when we were laugh , when finally we solved all the problem , when we cried after all the crush happened , when i realized that i didnt alone to felt stuck , i missed the time when we went to Jogjakarta , Bali , we maked up the class room for independent day , when we scared of UNAS , when we cheated on the exam :p , LOTS . i just cant describe one by one .
    natasha , afun , dinar , nunna , aland

    my dolls :)

    OSIS Smantass Jaya 2008-2009

    aib incorp

    Sometimes i wonder  Can I turn back the time ? I wanna go back to my guhhreeat time in high school.
    Then , i wake up , i realize , it wont ever happen , that is life right ? times wont ever come back , its keep on turning . All i can do is move on and thank for the memories , thank for all the great times , and thank for the second big family i had .
    And these , i still can connect them right ? We already have a good future plan . Me ? Someday i wanna be a psycholog . And so does them , they fight for their future :)

    BEST :)

    Good Luck You Guys ! and someday when we are meet each other , i wish you the best on your way , and we never forget what we have did together :)

    Love You BEST ! :D

    Friday, 29 October 2010

    That's Why I Called Little Space

    I always say that my room feels like heaven , this place where i always sleep , i wake up , do some tasks , laugh with the friends , this place is the coziest place ever :D . Even i have to go out and get some life out there , i gets home , and then this is it , room again . I love to be sit down here , daydreaming then do unimportant things meanwhile the song singing behind me , with the deer lamp on the table , notebook , colorful carpet , such a great life  oh and of course some snacks :p
    Don't you think my life get bored with this stuff ? Hell nooo haha , im  not that flat yee know , i do some fun out there , go wherever i wanna go , my space goin soooo wide , but my room ? Yes . This is my Little Space :)  

    Then , let me introduce you with my lovely little space :9

    this is it !

    mirror , make-up kit,shoes :* mwaah

    lazy corner

    the closet *__*

    bird upon the bed

    see there ? the deer lamp and of course the news board
    Already meet them ? Then lets say HELLO :)

    p.s : sorry for the poor quality image , captured it with my cellphone camera :p